Encounters and Writings

Your Home

Suddenly, one of the falls opened up to reveal Jesus who stepped forward on a glass pavement that formed under His feet.

I waited by the vast cascading, rainbow falls in heaven for my dear friend, Jesus! I stood on a small island while the falls roared down from above as if a voice declared its power. Yes, it was strikingly beautiful! As the falls tumbled down to the water below, there was no violence to its crash into the gentle pool around me! It was peaceful; it was kind! I could see gentle spirits in the waters watching me intently as if something was going to happen. These enormous falls were light like diamonds and voices came from them. I do not know what they were saying, but they were speaking to me.

Suddenly, one of the falls opened up to reveal Jesus who stepped forward on a glass pavement that formed under His feet. Jesus, shining like the sun in a glorious lavender robe, smiled towards me. The falls sparkled at His appearance, and the spirits in the water leaped into the air! There was so much joy in His creation around us.

Jesus said, “My son, I have come to be with my heart’s desire. Tell me, where do you live that I may stay? Have you made your bed for me so that I may rest? Have you prepared your table for me so that I may eat and drink with you?” He now stood in front of me holding my hands; then bringing them to His lips, Jesus, kissed them. He said, “Stay with me. Will you?”

The spirits in the waters leaped into the air saying, “Stay! Stay! Don’t leave Him.” The waterfalls whispered, “The overflowing love of God; washing away the darkness of doubt.”

Jesus’ voice brought my attention back to Him, “Micah?”

“Yes Lord, Yes! I welcome you into my home!” I embraced Him, and He sighed deeply with much emotion. Jesus rested on my shoulder; I could feel his breath on my neck that sent a chill down my spine! I said to Him again, “Jesus you are welcome into my home.”

He looked into my eyes, “Micah where does the Son of Man lay His head? Where does He find His resting place?”

I responded, “Lord, with me! Come, stay with me! My room is your room.” I began to cry, “You don’t ever have to ask me that question again. Come, stay with me!” I buried my face in His chest.

Jesus said, “I am asking those who say they love me…where does the Son of Man lay His head? Am I welcomed in their home? Go and tell my church, that I am asking to stay with them?”

Jesus, my love is you! I have made my heart a home for you! My passion is you alone! Draw near to me and stay with me; my heart is your home!

Mathew 8:20, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”